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Student Organizations & Service

Student Organizations Awards

The Office of Student Organizations & Service each year will recognize the accomplishments of the registered student organizations from the Special Interest, Departmental/Professional, and Honors/Leadership categories at the Student Government Association Banquet. Social Greek organizations and Sport Clubs are not eligible to apply.  This student-wide awards program pays tribute to student organizations and/or members for their exemplary leadership, achievements, and service to the University community. All members of the MTSU community are encouraged to nominate organizations or individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to excellence and meet the criteria.

Nominations and applications are accepted each year, throughout the year! The deadline to apply for the 2023-2024 awards is Monday, March 25, 2024 by 4:30 PM . To apply, submit the appropriate form to the Student Organizations & Service office by the deadline. The Director of Student Organizations & Service will congratulate and inform the organization of their nomination so that the application process can be completed. Award recipients are selected by the Student Organization Awards Committee through an application and if necessary interview process.

Student Organization of the Year Award

This award is given to a registered student organization that displays outstanding effort based on the following criteria:

  1. Contribution to the overall MTSU community (i.e., students, staff, faculty, programs)
  2. Contribution to the Murfreesboro community
  3. Contribution to the development of its members
  4. Demonstrated commitment to the organization’s purpose and those served by it
  5. Communication with related MTSU departments and other student organizations

President of the Year Award

This award is given to the President or primary officer of a registered student organization who displays outstanding organization leadership and involvement, based on the following criteria:

  1. Contribution to nominating student organization and its individual members
  2. Contribution to the overall MTSU community (i.e., students, staff, faculty, programs)
  3. Extensive involvement in campus, other organization, or community programs
  4. Demonstrated commitment to the organization’s purpose and those served by it
  5. Relations with members and officers of the nominating student organization

Advisor of the Year Award

This award is given to the advisor of a registered student organization who displays outstanding leadership, dedication and involvement, based on the following criteria:

  1. Contribution as an advisor to nominating student organization, MTSU and community
  2. Effective advising within the standards and expectations of the organization, any affiliated national/regional offices and all applicable university policies
  3. Excellent student relations, aptitude in challenging and empowering the organization to thrive, and providing support to assist the organization with meeting its goals
  4. Dedication to consistently advising the organization

Silent Inspiration Award

This award recognizes a member of a registered student organization who has made significant contributions to his/her organization, but not within an officially recognized leadership capacity for that student organization, based on the following criteria:

  1. Contribution to nominating student organization and its individual members that is not expected as a part of the student’s membership responsibilities
  2. Demonstrated commitment to the organization’s purpose and those served by it
  3. Demonstration of going above and beyond expectations of membership responsibilities