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Student Organizations & Service

Student Organization Officer Transition Guide

Officer Transitions

Student organizations transition leadership much more frequently than most corporate, government, or community organizations. As a result, transitions are vital to the organization’s success and stability.

Successful transitions…

  • Equip new officers with the tools and knowledge that they need to succeed.
  • Build leadership teams and foster trust in the organization’s leaders.
  • Maintain progress toward organizational goals and capitalize on recent accomplishments.
  • Provide an opportunity for outgoing officers to reflect on their experiences in support of their future leadership and career endeavors.
  • Student Organization Officer Transition Meeting Outline

Outgoing Officer Transition Guide

Complete this officer specific worksheet prior to the Transition Meeting and review your notes with the incoming officer(s). This worksheet will also help you identify and articulate connections between your officer experience and your career and leadership development.

Incoming Officer Transition Guide

Taking on a new officer role can be overwhelming. Below you will find a specific guide for each officer position. It will provide a clear set of tasks that will support a successful transition into your role. Work with your advisor(s) and outgoing officers to learn whether there are other transition tasks unique to your organization.